Price list

Translations of standard texts, specialist and technical translations, legal translations, promotional translations and translations of websites.

From a foreign language → to English

Language group No. 1 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.05 PER WORD
Language group No. 2 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.09 PER WORD
Language group No. 3 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.13 PER WORD

From English → to a foreign language

Language group No. 1 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.05 PER WORD
Language group No. 2 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.09 PER WORD
Language group No. 3 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.13 PER WORD

From a foreign language → to a foreign language

Language group No. 1 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.05 PER WORD
Language group No. 2 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.09 PER WORD
Language group No. 3 (translations by native speakers only) from €0.13 PER WORD

Language proof-reading

Spelling and grammatical proofreading performed only native speakers

from €0.02 PER WORD

Graphic design

The price is determined individually on the basis of the supplied materials and the required output format.

from €0.02 PER WORD

Express translations

In most cases we do not charge an additional fee for express delivery.

mostly free without charge

The aforementioned prices may be increased depending on how difficult or specialised the translation is. We provide quantity discounts on larger orders.

Non-binding order