Translations of standard texts

Translations of standard texts

Translations in all language combinations

Our agency provides high-quality and affordable translations of standard text in practically all language combinations.

Non-binding order
  • 120 translators
  • 1200 translators worldwide
  • 20 years of experience
  • 380 clients
Translation of standard text means a translation that does not contain specialist terminology and is usually intended for personal use.

From Czech to a foreign language

(translations by native speakers only)
We provide quantity discounts on larger orders.

from €0.035 PER WORD

From English to a foreign language

(translations by native speakers only)
We provide quantity discounts on larger orders.

from €0.07 PER WORD
Professional translations of standard texts for companies, corporations and individuals.

You will find us

RS Service – Světozor s.r.o.

Vodičkova 41
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Show on map

Translations of standard texts that are accurate from the aspect of content, language and format

Our most frequent translations of standard texts are correspondence (letters, e-mails), applications, articles, CVs, letters of motivation, work procedures, announcements or diploma theses. We can arrange express translations if you need a translation delivered within 24 hours. Standard translations are not executed by an official translator and do not meet the requirements of an official translation.

We are capable of supplying translations of standard texts in any required format (MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPotint, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe PageMaker, PDF, etc.)

  • .DOCMS Word
  • .XLSMS Excel
  • .PPTPowerPoint
  • .PDFAdobe PDF
  • .TXTText file
All the information contained in the original text and its translation is considered strictly confidential and we ensure that it is not disclosed.
Translations in all language combinations
About us

Translations in all language combinations

High-quality and affordable translations

We regularly work with 120 translators and we have more than another 1,200 translators from all over the world available in our database. Throughout our company’s existence we have realised extensive translations of specialist technical documentation into Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Chinese and Japanese for example.

  • Express delivery within 24 hours
  • Expertise and professionalism
  • We use CAT tools
  • Low prices guaranteed
Non-binding order